9867 Kawanee Dr.,
Pensacola FL 32514
Welcome to Winner Designs for Sewing & Quilting!
“No Slipping, No Kidding” Templates & Rulers!
I’ve been with Martelli
Enterprises since 2002 demonstrating their revolutionary tools. I’m their
Education Director and am obsessed with making sure sewers and quilters
understand the value of the Get a Grip material. Yes, I know the templates
aren’t see-through…! But the beauty of these tools is that they don’t need
to be see-through!
Once you ‘get it’, have that ‘ah-ha’ moment, then
you too will be obsessed with the Get a Grip material. And if you haven’t
had that ‘ah-ha’ moment yet, make sure you check out some of the videos
where I show you why see-through is no longer important. Or if you ever get
a chance to come to one of the trade shows, make sure you come by the booth
or take one of my classes so you can ‘get it’!
Winner's official YouTube Channel
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